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Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts

Monday, February 10, 2014

Good or Bad Links?

Paul Madden discusses how links are still very important to ranking. Also, he discusses how to tell a good link verse a bad link.


Friday, May 10, 2013

Coding Emails 101

Email marketing is still very strong when it comes to generating traffic. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

2013 Link Building is Going to Video for Gains in SEO

Rand Fishkind is a authority source and his one of his latest "Whiteboard Fridays" was exceptional.


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

SEO Firm That Is Built Trust

Shipley SEO & Link Building Consulting
Business is About Doing an Honest / Quality job.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Eric Ward's New Book - Link Buidling

Eric Ward & Garrett French - "Ultimate Guide to Link Building"

For anyone in the SEO profession, especially those of us who specialize Link Building (which is one function of many in SEO), they are familiar with Eric Ward.

Eric Ward is commonly referred to as the "Link Moses" because he is the first individual to begin using links (when the search engines changed - algorithms emerged) to help websites gain visibility in the SERP's (Search Engine Result Page).

Well, Eric and Garrett French have come out with a new book about link building. 

This book is a fantastic resource for Link Builders/SEO's. So, I wanted to share it with anyone who wasn't aware it was available. 

I hope that Eric's and Garrett's new book - entitled "UltimateGuide to Link Building:  How to Build Backlinks, Authority and Credibility for Your
Website, and Increase Click Traffic and Search Ranking" will help you become a better Link Builder / SEO. 


Brook S.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Co-Citation: 5 Ways to Get Better Links

 Co-Citation or Anchor Text?

Ever since Panda, Google values anchor text less than it used to. When Google devalued anchor text, it also passed more weight to what is called “co-citation.”

Co-citation offers SEOs the opportunity to target better, higher-quality links, but understanding how it works (and why) is the key.

How Co-Citation Works
A lot of SEOs make co-citation sound more complicated than it is, but it is actually quite simple. Here it goes . . .

An incoming link to your site passes more authority if the page on which the link appears also links to a completely different site on a related topic. That’s it.

The related topic part is the key factor here. You want your incoming links to appear on pages with other links that relate to yours. The more closely related the two link subjects are, the higher the value of your link.

Co-citation improves search, and better search means getting the right content to the right searchers. This is a good thing for SEOs who understand how to use co-citation to their advantage.

5 Tips to Get Co-Citations
You can leverage co-citation by understanding which subjects relate most closely to your target keywords. Once you’ve done that, all you have to do is get links on pages that also link to those related subjects.

For now, we offer this shortlist of five ways you can begin to implement this post-Panda link building strategy.

Tip #1:  Use the “Ad Group Ideas” Feature in the AdWords Keyword Tool
The “Ad Group Ideas” feature of the Google AdWords Keyword Tool will literally hand-feed you the subject keywords that relate most closely to your target keywords.

Tip #2:  Use Social Media Analytics to Find More Related Subjects
If you have social media outlets for your site, you can use their analytics tools to investigate the interests of your followers and discover more related subjects.

Tip #3:   Target New Links on Sites that Already Link to Related Subjects
Once you’ve built a list of the subjects that relate most-closely to your target keywords, save your link building for sites that already link to sites on those related subjects.

Tip #4:   Write Guest Blogs on Topics that Connect Related Subjects
When you guest blog, write the blog on a topic that connects the subject of your target keywords and the keywords of a closely related subject. Place outgoing links in the post to both your target url and a site that relates to the other subject you tied into the post.

Tip #5:   Write Your Own Site Content on Related Topics
Write your blogs on subjects that Google considers closely related to the subject of your site. If your site sells organic Columbian coffee and Google thinks that healthy dog food is a related topic, write a blog on the healthiest dog food.

It may feel a little strange at first, but this kind of content strategy will organically generate co-citations.

Co-citation helps us develop a better a kind of link building, link building for groups of links on related subjects. You might call it “co-link building.”

Check out our blog in the coming weeks. We’re going to post on each of the co-link building strategies that we’ve introduced here. Come back for detailed steps and examples.

By Justin Larsen
(Contributor for

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Blogs with Stlye

Blogs are a great resource for link generation - so I was reading info about blogging (gather info/ideas) and came across a article about blogs and wanted to pass it along.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Link Building in 2013

After reading another fantastic article by my mentor - Mr. Eric Ward -

I am again so grateful that person who introduced me and trained me on SEO, knew how wise Eric is and how his paradigm is sound when it comes to Link Building.

Eric discusses what happen in 2012 concerning link building - which was drastic in many situations. He states "I've been petty vocal that nothing changed at all other than the engines getting smarter, and this single change then caused a domino effect that impacted sites and services that some would say had no business being in business in the first place." I smiled just reading it.

But the overall take away from Mr. Ward's article for 2013, is basically - if you were continuing to use solid "white hat" link building practices - you will be ok.
He states it better than myself "The primary thing that's happened is it's gotten harder to get crappy content to rank high. And for this, we should all be thankful. I will now duck so the arrows hopefully miss me." haha
So, once again it is good to know that I have founded my business model after Eric Ward's Link Building methodology. is going to be just fine and I don't have to worry about past work that I have performed for clients.
Happy Link Building in 2013!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Work for

One thing that can be frustrating, working in the SEO industry, is the difficultly getting on the same page with the company or individual working with or for. is not that type of client, and it has been refreshing. certainly not frustrating to work with.

I have been doing work for them, for over 8 months now, and I have been very impressed with their communication style and how much professionalism they show.

A large PR firm like, could be a possible nightmare - if they didn't work so well with subcontractors.
Finding time to talk has not been hard, and if questions or concerns arise about a project, they remedy it quickly. is thankful for the working relationship that we have had with

So, doing this time of the year when many are reflecting on what they have, and are reflecting on many things that they appreciate, is a relationship that is certainly valued.

SEO is a great job and working with quality companies/clients makes it that more enjoyable.

I hope everyone in the SEO field, find themselves saying the same positive remarks that I have expressed.

Happy Holidays!


Friday, October 26, 2012


 One of the most important things separating from our competition, is the method in which links are built. works closely with the client or their marketing department (among others) all the way up to the conversion.

Many SEO companies have never spoken to their marketing department for which they are providing SEO advice for. They need to be speaking to everyone who has a hand in the product that they are developing successful strategies.
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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Using Wordpress To Build Your Site

Using Wordprss To Build Your Site

I know that there are many of you out there that have always thought of putting your "great" idea on a website. However, the problem is that you don't know much about computers, let alone have the ability to put together a site.

So, I just wanted to share my experience about a great site and concept called

Wordpress is a blogging tool and it also can be using to create a website, using already designed website templates. Many of these templates are free, but there are also paid templates that offer more bells and whistles.

Once you visit the site you will be instructed about how to go about putting together a blog and a website.
Also, if you have a website - designed by another company or individual and it is difficult to have any changes or improvements made, Wordpress is a fantastic option for you.

I you have a site, just contact your hosting provider and have them host the new Wordpress site you have selected.

When I decided I wanted a platform to share some of my knowledge of Link Building with others wanting the same knowledge, I did my research and made the most sense. is a free Wordpress template and it has been a good experience.

One word of advice, just be prepared for a learning curve. The interface is fairly simple, but it also takes people who are all about the same age, or younger to grasped how to use all the tools and tricks Wordpress provides. So, be patient, and think of it has a great experience building our site, but also getting the knowledge to help others. 

This is great because it then allows you to have access to the backend of the site and make changes - when you want those changes made.

Another great bonus of  using Wordpress, is that they offer free plugins that help with SEO, design, pictures, and and video. All, without the knowledge of programming and much computer knowledge.

So, if you want to start and website or a blog - I would make sure you visited and saw for you self the various options that the provide a user.

Good luck and happy blogging!
Click Here!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Site Architecture and SEO

This is a topic that I have been wanting to write about for a little while now.
The reason why I have it has been on my mind so much, is that I find that the idea of a well designed site, directly reflects the overall conversion rate of the site.
In the ideal situation, it would be great to sit down with the web developer at the same time you wanted to perform SEO met
This is a topic that I have been wanting to write about for a little while now.
The reason why I have it has been on my mind so much, is that I find that the idea of a well designed site, directly reflects the overall conversion rate of the site.
In the ideal situation, it would be great to sit down with the web developer at the same time you wanted to perform SEO methods, that would improve the sites ranking and traffic.
But, the reality is that is almost never the situation. In the near future, I believe that SEO and Web Developers should consider working together when contacted to design a businesses website.
Basically, it is the most cost effective method when giving the customer the best ROI.
But, I could go into much more detail about the process than what I wish to do in this current topic.
What makes this a important aspect of SEO and Link Building, is the fact that many SEO's overlook the metric that is considered U/X or User Experience.
This is basically makes up how satisfied the user is when they visit your site and why they return.
If you take the time to make sure that your customer are pleased with their experience on you site, you will have a greater conversion number than sites that don't pay attention to this.
So, make sure that you survey you customers and ask what they like and what they would change, when it comes to visiting you site.
Also, when making changes to you pages and site overall, don't forget to put yourself in you customers shoes.
Make it easy to find what they want and then make it easy to get out and in of the site.
If your site's architecture is designed to make it easy to find products and then checkout, you'll see a big jump in conversions.
So, look at category pages, product pages, and check out processes.
This will be something that many others will overlook and give you an competitive advantage in our vertical.
hods, that would improve the sites ranking and traffic.
But, the reality is that is almost never the situation. In the near future, I believe that SEO and Web Developers should consider working together when contacted to design a businesses website.
Basically, it is the most cost effective method when giving the customer the best ROI.
But, I could go into much more detail about the process than what I wish to do in this current topic.
What makes this a important aspect of SEO and Link Building, is the fact that many SEO's overlook the metric that is considered U/X or User Experience.
This is basically makes up how satisfied the user is when they visit your site and why they return.
If you take the time to make sure that your customer are pleased with their experience on you site, you will have a greater conversion number than sites that don't pay attention to this.
So, make sure that you survey you customers and ask what they like and what they would change, when it comes to visiting you site.
Also, when making changes to you pages and site overall, don't forget to put yourself in you customers shoes.
Make it easy to find what they want and then make it easy to get out and in of the site.
If your site's architecture is designed to make it easy to find products and then checkout, you'll see a big jump in conversions.
So, look at category pages, product pages, and check out processes.
This will be something that many others will overlook and give you an competitive advantage in our vertical.