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Friday, January 4, 2013

Link Building in 2013

After reading another fantastic article by my mentor - Mr. Eric Ward -

I am again so grateful that person who introduced me and trained me on SEO, knew how wise Eric is and how his paradigm is sound when it comes to Link Building.

Eric discusses what happen in 2012 concerning link building - which was drastic in many situations. He states "I've been petty vocal that nothing changed at all other than the engines getting smarter, and this single change then caused a domino effect that impacted sites and services that some would say had no business being in business in the first place." I smiled just reading it.

But the overall take away from Mr. Ward's article for 2013, is basically - if you were continuing to use solid "white hat" link building practices - you will be ok.
He states it better than myself "The primary thing that's happened is it's gotten harder to get crappy content to rank high. And for this, we should all be thankful. I will now duck so the arrows hopefully miss me." haha
So, once again it is good to know that I have founded my business model after Eric Ward's Link Building methodology. is going to be just fine and I don't have to worry about past work that I have performed for clients.
Happy Link Building in 2013!

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