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Showing posts with label #linkbuilding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #linkbuilding. Show all posts

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Don't Forget to Use Google's Webmasters Best Practices

There are some common problems I continue to see as I perform audits for websites looking to perform better in the SERP's.

1. Robot Text
2. Duplicate Content
3. Keyword Issues

So, I thought it might be a useful item to include on my blog - Google Webmaster Tools.

I hope that if you are in the SEO/SEM space - you are not forgetting to look at what Google tells you what should and shouldn't be done to a website - this information will help.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Guide to Essential App Testing

Many people these days are working on developing, or working on the next "biggest" app to be ready for your smartphone or tablet.

So, I thought it would be nice for any of my viewers, to have some information (a guide) to app testing.

I hope that it provides anyone out there working on their app - some good information that will lead to a successful app.


Brook S. 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

2015 and SEO Tactic's That Still Matter

Hummingbird Impact and SEO in 2015?

I have advised anyone that has produced content in the last year and a half - to make sure that the keywords and the content on the page is formulated with the idea - that the content (including keywords) is presented as an answer to a question. 

So, what I am going to be focusing on - as I look for keywords to dominate - is long tailed keyword. 

Long tailed keywords will generate (typically all the time) into the source of the websites traffic and conversions. 

Julie Joyce mentioned the following: 

"Keywords still are important, but now you should look for larger buckets of niche-specific word combinations. To do this, first, determine various conversational phrases people are likely to use when searching for your services. For example, instead of flowers, try phrases like Valentines bouquet, same day flower delivery, or inexpensive flower arrangement. When possible, target conversational phrases just as they are, for example, target where to buy flowers in bulk."

She also was speaking about SEO tactics that would be useful for 2015. 

Businesses and Clients that Digital Marketers are working for - still need to use some of the same successful strategies that they implemented when the Hummingbird Update was released by Google a while back. 

Link On! 

Brook Shipley

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Blog, blog, blog..... May to Search Engine Fog

So, you are looking for a new Social Media Expert, who can be the new addition to the company by blogging your company to the top.

Well, I would pump your brakes (slightly). There is a great article about blogging by Michael Hyatt, which I wanted to provide to my users.

I hope it helps with you growing traffic.

Shipley SEO / Link Building

Monday, February 10, 2014

Ade Lewis Talk about the Question - WTF is SEO?

I have had number go family members and friends ask me what it is that I do for a living, and I of course say SEO.

They have no idea what the heck SEO is and/or how important it is to a company that depends on making a money through their website.

Many people can get a fancy looking website - but in the end. If it hasn't had the correct SEO produced - well they might never have their fancy website found.

That being said, I thought a talk I watched from would be a good starting point for understanding what SEO is and why it is so important. 

B. Shipley

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

How Much Should You Expect to Pay When Hiring an SEO/SEM Agency?

Pricing is something that I have had asked a lot lately and so I wanted to address this issue.

Of course, pricing is going to depend on the type of SEO "white hat" or 'black hat", how comprehensive it is to perform what the client expects and the quality of what part of the
"SEO Pie" they are working on. Ex. Link Building

So, I am going to include the links to answers to these questions - I found in

I hope this is helpful.


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Sitting In My Office Yesterday

As I sat in my office yesterday (New Years Day) getting reading to do work for a client that has expressed their frustrations with the lack of quick ROI (reason why I am working on the Holiday), I recalled a great article by

Monday, December 23, 2013

Google's Video Discussing Rich Snippets

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Is Your SEO / SEM Personal or Client a Doer or Talker?

Many times I have ran across a colleague or competitor continuously tell me how I should be doing this or that, according Googles algorithm changes, but they never act on their suggested strategies or input. 

Does this sound like an employee or agency you've had experience with? 

Well,  Shipley SEO & Link Building Services practices the opposite - at the end of the day - what have we actually done? 

SEO is not a science - so I believe make sure you gather the best information - then act on it. 
