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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Why Is It Important To Have Backlinks?

For those that have heard of backlinks, but have know idea why. This is a good resource for helping individuals that are not in the Internet Marketing or SEO profession understand the importance of getting backlinks.

Also, just getting a backlink is not all that it takes to help your site to have more visibility. You want backlinks that are Followed, from sites that are Authority Sites and the backlink is placed on a domain that is in the same vertical.

Eric Ward is the first person to understand this concept (back in 1994) and help many company websites obtain more visibility = traffic = conversions (hopefully).

Shipley SEO & Link Building Services has followed Eric Wards philosophy when it comes to Link Building and it has be the best thing we have done.

I hope this video helps the layman to understand the importance of backlinks.

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